Why We Need More Black and
Brown Women Advisors

Unleash Your True Value™ Series

In this episode, I talk with Lazetta Rainey Braxton, CFP®, a sought-after financial expert and keynote speaker, owner of Lazetta & Associates, and co-founder 2050 Wealth Partners.

She is passionate about amplifying diversity, inclusion, equality and belonging in the financial planning profession.

We discuss the barriers that Black and Brown women face in the financial services industry and why it’s vital for more people of color to enter the profession.

Lazetta offers tips on how women can communicate their value and insights for how leaders and allies can shift the culture to be more inclusive.

Listen to this podcast and discover: 

  • The reason our industry needs more gender and racial diversity (hint: It’s good for business!) 
  • The common barriers to entry for women and people of color in the planning profession
  • Strategies to clearly communicate your value to prospects, clients and leadership 
  • Advice for leaders on how to increase the number of Black and Brown advisors in the field
  • Why representation matters and how Lazetta is a role model to the women coming up behind her

Want to connect with Lazetta? Here’s how:

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