Your Hair Tells a Story

Episode 179

In today’s episode, I speak with Margo Maine, Ph.D., an author, speaker, and clinical psychologist who has specialized in eating disorders and related issues for over 35 years. She is the Founder and former Adviser of the National Eating Disorders Association and Founder and Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders She has won numerous awards and written eight books. Her most recent book, Hair Tells a Story: Hers, Yours, & Ours, explores women’s relationship with their hair, a critical feminist issue and a neglected aspect of body image. 

Margo has been a mentor, colleague, and friend of mine since 2003 when I published my first book. Today she is breaking money silence with me about hair, finances, and how women can take control of their money and hair stories. 

Fun Fact: This podcast was recorded on Hairstylist Appreciation Day 2023. 

Listen to this podcast and discover:

  • The fascinating history behind women’s hair and female oppression
  • Why so many women invest thousands in their hair over a lifetime
  • How hairdressers become essential workers during the pandemic
  • Legislation that would end discrimination against women of color’s hairstyles
  • Why you may want to spend less on your hair and save more for retirement

Want to connect with Margo? Here’s how: