Are You Grief Smart?

Episode 177

In today’s episode, I talk with Kathi Balasek, founder of Grief Smart Advisor. She is an educator, grief literacy communication coach, speaker, and podcast host. In this interview, Kathi shares her personal experience of becoming a widow in her thirties and parenting five children after the death of her spouse. She offers tips for advisors and family members on how to break money silence and comfort a loved one during this transition. 

Kathi is on a mission to change the conversation about experiencing loss in the financial services industry and our society. If you have ever said goodbye to a parent, grandparent, spouse, friend, child, or furry friend, this podcast is for you. 


Listen to this podcast and discover:

  • What grief literacy is and why it’s a cultural issue
  • The dos and don’ts of comforting a loved one after a loss
  • The biggest financial mistakes women make after losing a spouse
  • The importance of working with a grief smart advisor 
  • A message of hope for anyone who is grieving

Want to connect with Kathi?  Here’s how: 

Lorenda Dunleavy

This episode is dedicated to my mother-in-law Lorenda Dunleavy. Lorenda died on March 15, 2023, while this podcast was being recorded and edited. She was a wonderful woman with a big heart and a fun spirit. After her death, I learned that she was an accomplished high school female athlete before it was fashionable for girls to play sports and a leader in her community. She was humble so I wanted to brag and tell you how cool she was! She will be missed by so many.


Interested in improving your financial wellbeing? 

Financial therapy can help you improve your financial literacy and wellbeing. If you have recently experienced a loss, are contemplating a career transition, or just want to feel less anxious with money, I can help.

If you want to learn more, schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation with me today.

Here’s to breaking money silence together!