Are You Too Old to
Learn New Tricks?
Episode 162
There is a saying, “An old dog can’t learn new tricks,” and it exemplifies the societal taboo against aging. But aging doesn’t mean you can’t be creative and live the life you want. In fact, often people over 50 years of age find a renewed sense of purpose in life.
In today’s episode, I interview Rochelle Seltzer, author of Live Big, A Manifesto for a Creative Life about how to bust through this myth and start living a more creative and joyful life – no matter what your age.
Listen to this podcast and discover:
- The impact of the societal taboo against aging on professional women’s lives
- How to shift limiting beliefs about aging and start living big
- The definition of creativity and why you don’t need to be the best
- The difference between “being” and “doing”
- How making time and space for you increases productivity – really!
Challenge: Fill in the blank.
- The way I love to be creative is______________.
(Share your answers on social or email them to the show at Let’s see all the ways our listeners are creative and living big!)
Special Offer: Rochelle is happy to offer Breaking Money SilenceⓇ listeners a call with her to share the changes they want to make in their lives and the challenges that limit them. She will provide fresh insights and perspectives. Book a call at LiveBigCall and mention you heard it here!
Want to connect with Rochelle? Here’s how:
- Rochelle’s Website
- Instagram: @seltzerrochelle
- Facebook: Coach Rochelle Seltzer
- Twitter: @RochelleSeltzer
- Official Site for Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life

A special thank you to our episode sponsor, Life Transitions by Dr. Amy
This episode is sponsored by Life Transitions by Dr. Amy. When it comes to life’s changes, there are two types of people: those experiencing the change and the professionals advising them. Life Transitions by Dr. Amy walks beside both, helping financial professionals and individuals navigate more gracefully through any life change. To find out more, click here.
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